The LGBTphobies in Europe Today and the Dynamics of the fight against this type of discrimination


Thursday July 18, 2013 / 2pm > 4pm
European Panorama of homophobia, comparative

Thursday July 18, 2013 / 4:30pm > 6pm
The dynamic approach to prevention and education against homophobia

Contributors : Cécile Coudriou , vice présidente d’Amnesty International France, Véronika d’Anna (Lutte contre les discriminations en Europe-Amnesty International – Bruxelles), Coordination Lesbienne en France, Romain DONDA, porte parole d’SOS homophobie pour la région PACA (France), Scott Cuthbertson (Equality Network, Ecosse), Jordi Petit (Casal Lambda Barcelona), Tjenbé Rèd-Fédération Total Respect, Karine Espineira (Observatoire des Transidentités), Jacques Lizé (Agence pour les droits fondamentaux).
Subject to : Brian Sheehan (Gay and Lesbian Equality Network, GLEN, Ireland)

Venue : La Friche
Thursday July 18, 2013 / 2pm > 6pm


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