The IDEM Collective and the Transform Festival! invite you to their last evening 2019 at Videodrome 2, Sunday November 24 at 8 p.m. We have concocted an evening of screenings and slam performances around Afroqueer female creation. How are identities, communities and representations built when you are queer Afro-descendant ?

In the first part

Diffusion and presentation of the Afro Queer EXTRANOSTRO series
Episode 1 by Kis Keya, creator of the series.

EXTRANOSTRO is the 1st French Afroqueer series from Kis Keya. While the two characters at the center of the plot are African and gay, the series plays on diversity. The central and secondary characters together represent a diversity of origins, genders and sexual orientations. She questions the visibility of queer black youth on screens.

In the second part

P!NKSHASA DIASPORA (Work in progress) by Joëlle Sambi: a Congolese LGBT documentary of which we will see 2 portraits.

P!NKSHASA DIASPORA is a personal look, a first documentary on the experiences of almost invisible sexual and gender minorities that make
community between Belgium, France and Congo-Kinshasa.

Each of the portraits will be followed by a performance slammed by Joëlle Sambi. A program offered in partnership with the Festival des films et des arts LGBTQ Afro de Montréal (https://www.facebook.com/massimadi)

A meeting with the two artists will close the evening.

Both EXTRANOSTRO and P!NKSHASA DIASPORA are “work in progress” and need our support.

See you soon !

Joëlle Sambi

Born in Brussels and spent her first years there. She grew up in Kinshasa and did not return to Belgium until 2001 to pursue studies in journalism at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. She is the author of several short stories including Je ne sais pas Rêver in 2003; Religion Ya Kitendi published by Gallimard (Mercure de France) and Young Writer Prize. She received the “Gros Sel” Jury Prize in 2008 for her novel Le Monde est Gueule de Chèvre, published by Biliki (Belgium 2007). Author and feminist LGBT activist, Joëlle Sambi writes and raises questions about identity, norms, belonging, she is caught between several languages and her writings bear traces of it. She lives on the border and the oddities of her language lead her writing to poetry, slam, she regularly publishes on her blog: Solola Bien.

Kis Keya

Réalisatrice et productrice afroféministe, Kis Keya est une artiste basée en Belgique. Dans le domaine des arts, elle a commencé très jeune avec la peinture. Mais au fur et à mesure du temps, elle a diversifié ses moyens d’expression (peinture, écriture, sculpture, théâtre, film) pour s’adapter aux sujets qui lui tenaient à coeur ou aux sensibilités à faire passer.
"I consider myself a militant artist. Art is my language, to take a stand in society; to fight discrimination (sexism, racism, homophobia,...) and to convey messages. Kis Keya has edited three shows with performances in Brussels, Montreal and Ouagadougou. And has directed three fiction medium-length films, before directing the "Extranostro" series.
Her Filmography:
2010 – « S’il te plaît, non ! » (Please, no!)
2015 – « Esquisse » (Adumbrated)
2017 – « Deux filles » (Rambling girls)


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